1. Coaching Leadership development.


“Learning to watch who you are yourself, is the start of good leadership.”

I am working on personal effectiveness and coaching leadership. On self-awareness, inner strength and agility.

Leergangen Toezicht Nieuwe Stijl

Cat Leap Leadership Program, Danone Academy, Paris

Leading Partners Program

Projectmanager Team Coaching

From my own background as a stage director, I am focused on leadership themes.

I work with leaders who have personal questions coming from their sens of responsibility as leaders.

What is good leadership?

How do I do that?

What do I find difficult?

What are my strong points and what can I improve?

Do you need a mirror?

I am happy to be that for you.

Only behaviour that is coming from who we really are as humans is sustainable and shall come across as “real”.

To be successful, you should not necessarily learn skills, but develop yourself as a person.

(Stephen Covey, The seven habits of highly effective people)

Who are you?

What can you learn about yourself?

Learning is hard work.

I am here to facilitate your growth and mission.

How do I work?

We find a clear coaching objective. With this objective we will work 5 to 7 sessions.

You are responsabile for your own development.

I ask questions, give assignments and feedback, and make sure we keep focus on your learning objectives.

I use proved coaching techniques.

I use my experience as an actor and a stage director.

I am registered as a professional coach at NOBCO branch organisation.

I have studied applied psychology

I am a Socratic Facilitator

2. Simulation and Training.


“When you are in a roller coaster you experience real fear, because it’s really scary, and at the same time you know you are safe. That’s why you dare to do it.”

Simulation as a powerful learning tool in a safe environment.

I work with the power of drama by “role-play”

Drama is the perfect tool to develop your communication skills or to prepare difficult conversations.

It’s training strategic behavior by analyzing yourself and the situation.

How does it work? Learning by doing.

In general two possible directions:

Role play in a one to one situation

Then your case will be prepared. What is the situation? What is your goal? And what are the obstacles?

The situation is played by you and me as close to the reality as possible.

Analyzing the situation afterwards will give you new insights in how to deal with the situation in reality.

You are the director

By interviewing the client about a difficult case, information is obtained.

A scene according to this information is written and performed by actors.

Now you as case owner can coach the actors into different behavior.

This new behavior is implemented by the actors in the scene.

Outcome is analyzed and new possible outcomes are talked through or exercised.

